Escuela de Guadalupe is a very unique school—it’s the only catholic bilingual elementary school in the Denver Metro area. The school was founded by Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, the Jesuits, the Sisters of Loretto and local community members in order to provide an affordable catholic education for the kids in the area. The school has been making big changes, including moving their school into the old presentation school building in 2015, and voting on a new mascot for the gym floor in 2016.

Custom Circular Vinyl Print of the "Los Lobos" placed on the gym floor or Escuela de Guadalupe school in Denver, CO

Escuela de Guadalupe decided to have their students vote on the new logo, and the students chose the “Los Lobos,” pictured above. The sign experts at Magnify were brought in to provide the new gym floor logo of the Los Lobos, to replace the previous logo left by the last school. The stunning custom vinyl floor graphic is 145 feet in diameter, and faces the interior entrance of the gymnasium.

The new logo is making its way around the school, from being plastered on the gym floor to being in the center of the student athletes’ uniforms. Magnify Signs is happy to have helped such an interesting and unique school create a new logo, and ensure that it can Be Seen.