If you’re updating your marketing campaign and brand image, it also means you need to update your signage. Recently, Craig Hospital in Englewood, CO, changed their logo and branding. This required new pole banners for their campus light poles. The sign experts set them up with 10 new pole banners to hang around the entry driveway light poles of Craig Hospital.

Pictured above is just one of these banners, which features an image from Craig with the word “Strong” sprawled across the middle. The banner as a whole is 30” across by 67” high, and features the new Craig Hospital logo with their motto “Unyielding Determination. Empowering Lives.” placed below. Of the ten double-sided pole banners, four have images on the top half, and the other six feature the new Craig Hospital logo with their slogan just below.

With these pole banners as just a start to their new campaign, the sign experts will be producing more powerful signage for Craig to fully cement their new brand image. If you are updating your brand, be sure to give the sign experts at Magnify a call, and we’ll ensure your new image can Be Seen.