Welcome to the New Year, and with it comes a fresh opportunity to upgrade your customer experience! Lobby signs are a great way to give your business a modern look and engage customers from the moment they walk through the door. From logo signs to directional signs, wall and window graphics, and informational and ADA signs, there are plenty of ways to use lobby signs to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will make your customers feel valued. Read on to learn more about how to make the most of lobby signs in 2023.

The Importance of First Impressions

A lobby sign can create the perfect first impression

When it comes to welcoming customers and making a good first impression, lobby signs are an essential part of your interior design. Lobby signs set the tone for a client’s visit, from the moment they enter your space. With a range of styles and materials available, lobby signs can help create a professional atmosphere that conveys your company’s message and values.

Logo signs are a popular choice in lobbies and provide a great opportunity to promote your brand. They can be customized to include your logo and other elements, such as colors and fonts, that reflect the spirit of your business. Logo signs are essential for any business, as they give clients a sense of professionalism and identity. Logo signs can be placed in high-traffic areas to provide visibility and brand recognition. Lobby signs not only enhance the look of your space, but they also help communicate your mission and values. Investing in lobby signage is a great way to show customers that you care about their experience and want them to feel comfortable when visiting your business.

Different Types of Lobby Signs

Make sure your lobby area has a welcoming and professional atmosphere with the right signs. Logo signs, directional signs, wall and window graphics, informational and ADA signs all help to create a positive first impression with your customers. 

  • Logo signs are a great way to clearly identify who you are and what you do. A logo sign is an eye-catching way to prominently display your company’s identity in the lobby. It is also an opportunity to reflect your brand’s message and show off your company’s values. 
  • Directional signs are essential to ensure customers know where to go when they enter your lobby. These signs can be used to point customers toward reception areas, restrooms, conference rooms, or other important locations in the building. 
  • Wall and window graphics can bring life to an otherwise plain lobby space. Graphics are a great way to capture the attention of customers, as well as to give them a brief overview of the products and services you offer. Window graphics can also be used to provide customers with additional information, such as company policies or hours of operation.
  • Informational signs are helpful for conveying important information to customers, such as waiting times or key features of the company. They can also be used to create an organized and clutter-free lobby area by providing guidance on which areas are off-limits or what procedures need to be followed during the customer’s visit.
  • Finally, ADA signs are required in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These signs must be installed in areas accessible by people with disabilities and should provide relevant information in order to make their visit easier. 

By using these different types of lobby signs, you can create a welcoming atmosphere that conveys your company’s message and values to your customers. Whether it’s a logo sign, directional sign, wall graphic, or ADA sign, using lobby signage is a great way to make a strong first impression. Contact us at Magnify Signs today for a free quote!