If your business doesn’t fit into the conventional mold of your industry, then you know custom signage is one of the most important tools for developing brand awareness with clients. Lack of strong brand awareness is the best way to create confusion among your customers. People might mistake you for a liquor store when you are actually a full-service custom sign shop. It happens.
Such is the case of Uncorked Kitchen. This establishment is an interactive dining experience and winebar, but most people would not have been able to decipher that without the sign graphics pictured above. Uncorked Kitchen had issues with customers confusing them for a restaurant or kitchen appliance store, so they called the sign experts at Magnify to help them end their brand crisis.
To solve the problem, the sign experts designed and produced graphics for four of the five front windows of Uncorked Kitchen. The graphics read “Wine Bar & Interactive Cooking Events” across the top, with high-resolution images of the wine bar and one of their kitchens. Across the bottom reads “Wine Events,” “Private Parties,” “Date Night” and “Kids Activities.”
Custom signage isn’t just a necessary piece of your business model, it’s a solution to your business’ problems. Now, people driving by will understand the Uncorked Kitchen experience and hopefully stop in for a great adventure. If your business is experiencing trouble communicating their brand, the sign experts at Magnify can help bridge the gap between you and your customers and make your brand Be Seen!