Lobby signs, also referred to as reception signs, are an excellent way to make use of the bare walls of your entrance. They welcome customers into your business, appreciate their arrival and act as a small gesture to make your consumers feel comfortable with your business.

Lobby Signs Help Clients Feel Much More Welcome and Valued

  • Warm and welcoming lobby signs that are grateful set a pleasant tone in the minds of the consumers and help them feel welcome. It sets the perfect first impression and brings the customers into the mind frame that your business cares and values them and is ready to assist them with anything.
  • They are the best tool to introduce your brand and communicate what you do and your brand’s story.
  • Lobby signs are also the perfect wayfinding signs helping the customers with their way around a business.
  • They are a great opportunity for your brand to showcase your achievements and accomplishments to help consumers trust your brand and its services.

Types of Lobby Signs That Will Improve the Client’s Experience

  • Logo Signs: These signs display your brand’s logo, which increases a brand’s awareness and value.
  • Directional Signs: These signs help your customers with finding their way in and around your business. They also make them feel comfortable in a new place.
  • Storytelling Graphics: These signs help give your brand a personality and help communicate your brand’s journey with your consumers.
  • Informational Signs: These signs help display important information about your brand and the service it provides.
  • ADA Signs: These signs are located conveniently and easy to read both visually and through tactile touch, hence helping disabled consumers.

For more information regarding lobby signs, contact us at Magnify Signs today.