The color red is one of the three primary colors and is the most visible color in daylight for humans. Red is a warm color, along with orange and yellow, and it can have such an impact on people that it can even make the heart beat faster.
Red has been traditionally associated with emotions of energy, power, passion, desire, love, and determination, but also with other types of elements such as fire, war, and danger. Since red doesn’t happen as often in nature as green does and it is such a visible color, it kind of calls to our attention when located within our frame of vision. This is the reason why it is widely used in warning and danger signs for traffic and restricted areas, and in marketing as well.
Red letters, symbols, or images in graphics or prints need to be used appropriately and strategically. Our team of expert Denver Graphic Designers can help you incorporate the red color into your designs in a balanced and effective way because they understand the color theory and the harmony of color.
If not used well, red can actually turn off your potential buyers, opposite to what you were expecting. So, unless you want to drive customers away unknowingly, it is best to leave the creation of your advertising signage to the professionals. We’ll make sure to balance your signs with the right amounts of red in all the right places.
The holidays are full of emotions and feelings, including love, passion, friendship, and desire. It is also a time when people tend to think the most about everyone they care about or who they want to be with, and so, the red color symbolizes all of that!
You see red everywhere this time of year – in signs advertising the holiday promotions, in gift wraps, bows, and decorations. We’ve become so used to it that it is practically impossible to think of the season without seeing some red in our minds.
Magnify Signs is a full-service sign shop in Metro Denver, and we can create just about any type of sign there is. All of our work is custom and made to order, and we design every sign that we create. Contact us or request a free quote online for more information.