Turning Cycles for a Good Cause in Littleton, CO

Magnify Signs was created out of the Roots’ (our owners) desire to invest more into their local community, so we especially enjoy helping business who help the community in turn. Such is the case with the nonprofit Good Turn Cycles.

CTDI’s Custom Cut Channel Look

If you’ve driven by 40th Ave and Tower Road in Aurora, CO, you’ve probably noticed a large brand new facility in the Northwest corner. That building is owned by CTDI, a global engineering, repair, and logistics company for the communications

These Channel Letters will take you Wayback to Littleton, CO

A new burger franchise is coming to Denver from the east coast. This franchise wants to take you back to a simpler, more genuine time of dining where we shared great companionship at the dining table with their quick service


Vapor Shop Channel and Banner Signs in Denver, CO

Electronic smoking has been trending up in recent years that the activity has been dubbed “Vaping,” named after the vapor created by the e-cigarettes. With the growing trend, the industry is expanding, and stores like Omega Vapes have opened for business.

Channel Letters

Combine Channel Letters with a Lightbox Cabinet in Denver!

Our business clients commission building signage to reel in foot traffic, generate name recognition and create brand awareness. In the past, it was sufficient to select one signage type and call it a day. This is simply no longer the

Exterior signage by Magnify Signs. Denver Based Exterior Signage Company.
Channel Letters

Channel Letters or Cabinet Signs: Illumination for Business Exteriors

The illuminated wall cabinet sign is a hallmark of many businesses. That said, so is the lit channel letter setup. Both are the types of illuminated building signs Denver retailers, service providers and manufacturers select. Yet which one is right